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Tech-3d Solutions
Explore the facilities in virtual environment
Prepare your operators through immersive plant training
Introducing TECH-VR
TECH-VR for Training is a 3D immersive training tool that connects control room operators and plant personnel in a high-fidelity virtual simulation of your process plant. TECH-VR for Training allows operators to train in a virtual environment identical to the control room. This provides a realistic learning environment, which prepares personnel to act appropriately in any situation. The immersive training system helps capture knowledge from experienced operators and instill best practices across the workforce, increasing efficiency and reducing costly errors or safety issues.
TECH-VR can also assist the energy sector in the following ways:
Employers use VR/AR headsets for employee safety training programs. The headsets can run software showing workers the closest escape routes and identifying hazardous workplace areas. The software can also offer employees some “worst-case scenario” training situations to indicate what would happen in a “real-life emergency.”
Employers can use VR in energy industry for hands-on training for employees. This strategy makes it easier for workers to retain information and is less costly than conventional training methods.
The technology can create real-life training scenarios. Employees can practice or refresh their skills on complex or expensive equipment.
Technicians wearing AR headsets will have live access to necessary service documents and manuals on their tablets.
Overlaying 3D models and real-time maintenance directions on equipment on-site allows technicians to highlight faulty parts. This strategy reduces time and cost spent on maintenance.
Keeping operational costs down is one of the essential considerations currently required in the energy industry. VR makes it possible to explore oil fields and make accurate decisions about where to place drill sites without visiting the areas personally.
Augmented reality allows a technical expert to monitor virtually and simultaneously provide support for multiple locations. This strategy saves companies considerable money, time, and staffing.
The accurate data provided by virtual reality and augmented reality, delivered to the right person on time, means the company can make the best decisions more quickly. The company will grow and not stagnate.
Solutions for the Energy Industry
They say that a picture is worth a thousand words. That idea is applied when trying to visualize complex forms of data. It can be challenging to comprehend a flat rendering when interpreting the effects of airflow and weather patterns in the energy industry. Likewise, energy sector technicians need to picture how molecules interact in their work.
Our simulation tools make it easier to comprehend these concepts. The team can “get on the same page” more quickly to solve problems and move forward more efficiently.
One of our clients in Iran is ingeniously using technology. The company views data from "rocks" to determine whether oil is present. The procedure works like this: The company takes the rock and cuts it into small pieces. Next, an MRI machine examines the stone. The third step is scanning the rock using visualization software which Techcopter displays in virtual reality.
Our client can then determine whether oil is present in each "slice" of rock presented using 3D visualization software.
Who says that industrial designs must involve blueprints? With VR, designers in energy sector can visualize any energy industries and their machines as they will be employed when in operation.
A consulting firm working in the energy sector uses vr software to update and validate its designs. One team works on the design, another is in charge of validation, and a third works on the on-site set-up.
With TECH-VR technology, team members can review the designs in a virtual reality digital mockup. The technology allows the team to share their ideas on the 3D model and stick virtual flags on specific points with custom notes with issues. The best part is that this tech is user-friendly and easy to navigate.
TECH-VR software is an excellent choice for employee training. Get a "hands-on" feel with our finger tracking devices. Your workers will be able to "touch" the virtual objects they are seeing and get a real "feel" for the equipment they will be working with. This training will stay with them long after they have completed the session.

Tech-pha Software
Tech pha, your full option assistant
a complete PHA software pack to lead your study
Introducing TECH-PHA
TECH-PHA software gives you a more comprehensive approach to process safety management, helping you optimize expert time while reducing study duration and report time. Its capabilities give you a far more efficient way to manage process safety risk. TECH-PHA is built on a cloud base server, allowing users to lead their studies with a smooth, user-friendly, and full-option platform.
Techcopter software development team create this platform with 3 main aims:
We have been through so many PHA software, and most of them use an old fashion, boring user interface. we create TECH-PHA with modern UI and will upgrade it time by time.
Lots of our competitors brought lots of unusable functions, including reports, charts input levels, etc.
what we promise ourselves to do is delete all unnecessary functions and code to have fast and reliable software.
there is no cheating! you pay for what is exactly you need. there is no "never used" option on our software.
We promote TECH-PHA as a cloud-based software, there is no desktop version for now, or until we understand the need of building it!
there are some competitors with online versions of software that create desktop versions as well. they announced it like "There is NO CHARGE for Open PHA Desktop." but they never mentioned THERE IS NO REPORT GENERATOR for the desktop version.
this means no truth to the customer.